Time Line Therapy ® | NLP | Hypnosis | NLP Coaching
- Do you suffer from anxiety?
- Does it keep you from enjoying life?
- Do you wonder what it would be like to be free of anxiety and worry?
- Do you feel stuck?
- No happy where you are in life, feeling the need for a change?
- Not sure where to start?
Accessing you unconscious "Time Line" is how you store your memories or how you unconsciously know the difference between a memory from the past and a projection of the future. Behavioral change in an individual takes place at an unconscious level. People don't change consciously. The Time Line Therapy® process allows you to work at the unconscious level and release the effects of past negative experiences and change limiting self programming in minutes rather than days, months or years. It quick, effective and life changing that lasts.
Time Line Therapy® is a process that assists with:
- letting go of Negative Emotions from the past
- letting go of Limiting Decisions from the past
- Create our future the way we want it.
Exited to be part of an amazing one of a kind Clinic & Wellness Spa!
The Cave Cure & Therapies
Committed to empowering you to achieve your best possible self
The Cave Cure & Therapies
Committed to empowering you to achieve your best possible self
"We are living in a time when the light is getting much brighter. And because of this it is much more difficult to hold on to our inner darkness—our old, unhealed pain and terror. Failure to release those old dark emotions, and release them fully, increases our chances for becoming ill—whether that’s high blood pressure or something else. We’ve been taught to be very afraid of our tears, our rage, our grief. But these are NOT the problem. Keeping them bottled up is. For some of you, just reading this will bring up the emotions that require releasing. Others may need the help of a skilled therapist or bodyworker." - Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD
What clients are saying ...

I have experienced Bodytalk sessions with Tammy and am amazed at the revelations of the depth of connections to past events that have been held in my body AND how quickly they have been cleared away. An underlying anxiety that has been with me for the past 15 years is gone and in it's place I feel calm, centred and more energetic. Tammy is a genuine, compassionate and knowledgeable practitioner and I have and will continue to highly recommend her sessions to my clients, family and friends. ~ Teresa Graham, RMT