Equine Massage
I incorporate the modality of Equine Massage in the care of my own mare, in order to assist with healing and to keep her body in proper alignment. Massage assists in healing and decreasing pain and inflammation that can be caused by injury or arthritis. It assists in improving quality of life.
Massage, when used for general maintenance, benefits a horse's athletic performance and helps build strong, supple muscles that are less prone to injury or strain. This allows for a quicker recovery time between events. Equally important, massage deepens the bond between horse and human.
In addition to Massage, I also apply Equine Craniosacral (ECS) work, a holistic healing practice which uses extremely light finger pressure to optimize body movement. When applied correctly, this gentle and subtle technique can be highly effective in addressing a number of conditions in the horse. Focusing on bringing balance throughout the muscular and skeletal systems of the body, with specific focus given in treatment to the ‘cranium’ (head or skull) of the horse and spine or ‘sacrum’. It addresses the horse’s craniosacral system which includes its cranium, spinal column and sacrum and improves the flow of spinal fluid surrounding the brain and the spinal cord to nourish, protect and lubricate.
Treatments last for approximately 1 hour depending on the aliment. Homeopathic remedies work very well in conjunction with massage. Follow-up appointments may be necessary, depending on the extent of the injury. For more information, contact me today!